About DSA

We are experts in furniture receiving, storage, and delivery services for designers, architects and homeowners.

Designer Services Annex began as a concept discussed by an interior designer and an architect. Tim Morneau collaborated with multiple design professionals through discussions of the demands their careers brought; and decided to solve an industry problem the local profession was encountering: how to streamline procurement, storage and installation of physical design assets.

Tim Morneau, an accomplished architect and project manager, developed a state of the art inventory system to accurately track every item shipped and received to DSA’s warehouse. His expertise and level of detail lends itself to our clients' needs.

Our goal as experts in receiving, storage and delivery is to handle these services so that our clients can focus on their projects and businesses with peace of mind that we will provide exceptional service.

DSA brings decades of design project close out experience; is trained in reading floor plans; understands the needs of commercial and residential furniture delivery and installation; and has trained staff with the understanding and standards they have upheld in their professional design careers.

We believe we stand out as leaders in the industry and pride ourselves on understanding our clients, because we have been them.

Tim Morneau
Timothy Morneau

Tim Morneau is sole owner of Designer Services Annex, LLC (DSA), and opened it for business in 2021. He controls DSA’s routine business transactions and day-to-day operating decisions.  Tim has been an Architect and Project Manager for over 25 years, with experiences in design projects of all sizes and typologies. 

With Master of Architecture degrees from both Savannah College of Art and Design and Syracuse University, Florence campus, Tim has parleyed that knowledge into a career of Project Management with focus on detail and design intent.  His collegiate teaching experience provided Tim with a greater respect for burgeoning ideas and the creative mind.  Tim enjoys seeing what the future holds and how he can assist in making visions come to light. 

Tim’s architecture career has taken him around the world managing work at various scales and complexities while remaining focused on the minute details.  Working as a Project Manager at Gensler, LA for five years, Tim was exposed to a wide range of complex building design types including a ground up themed amusement park in Dubai.  Tim’s training, practice, and education have brought him knowledge of the inner “behind the scenes” workings of the design process and what it takes to bring it to a successful conclusion. 


See how we can help streamline your next project.

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